英文标题:Friction characteristics and microstructure of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy under pulsed current
作者:钱海旭1 夏建生1 2 窦沙沙1 刘镕滔1 朱春雨1 朱云飞1 
单位:1.盐城工学院 2.燕山大学 
关键词:7075-T6铝合金 脉冲电流 摩擦特性 微观机理 机械磨损 电辅助磨损 

在电辅助成形中,结合冲压工艺特点,利用自主研发的脉冲电流摩擦测试平台,研究了脉冲电流密度为0~10 A·mm-2时,7075-T6铝合金与P20钢摩擦副之间摩擦因数的变化规律,分析了磨损表面的三维形貌、微观结构与物相组成。结果表明:电流密度为0~6 A·mm-2时,7075-T6铝合金表面形成致密氧化膜,摩擦因数随着电流密度增加而减小,在电流密度为6 A·mm-2时平均摩擦因数最小,为0.216;电流密度大于6 A·mm-2时,在摩擦热和焦耳热的共同作用下,塑性变形加剧,导致氧化膜破损,摩擦因数随着电流密度的增大而增大。低电流密度(0~6 A·mm-2)时,摩擦过程中机械磨损起主要作用;高电流密度(6~10 A·mm-2)时,摩擦过程中机械磨损和电辅助磨损起主要作用。

In the electrical-assisted forming, combined with the characteristics of stamping process, the variation rule of friction factor between 7075-T6 aluminum alloy and P20 steel rubbing pair at the pulse current density of 0-10 A·mm-2 was studied by using a self-developed pulsed current friction test platform, and the three-dimensional morphology, microstructure and phase composition of the wear surface were analyzed. The results show that the dense oxide film is formed at the surface of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy when the current density is 0-6 A·mm-2, and the friction factor decreases with the increasing of current density. When the current density is 6 A·mm-2, the average friction factor is the smallest, which is 0.216. When the current density is greater than 6 A·mm-2, the plastic deformation is intensified under the combined effect of friction heat and Joule heat, which results in the breakage of the oxide film, and the friction factor increases with the increasing of current density. At the low current densities (0-6 A·mm-2), mechanical wear plays a major role in the friction process, and at the high current densities (6-10 A·mm-2), mechanical and electrical-assisted wear play a major role in the friction process.


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