英文标题:Study on middle temperature deformation behavior of solid-solution 7050 aluminum alloy based on modified J-C constitutive model
作者:黎燕1 2 潘成海3 滕海灏3 王敬1 梁强1 
单位:1.重庆工商大学 机械工程学院 2. 重庆工商大学 工程训练中心  3.重庆大学 材料科学与工程学院 
关键词:固溶态7050铝合金 J-C本构模型 中温变形行为 应力 应变 

为研究固溶态7050铝合金的中温变形行为,在变形温度为333~523 K、应变速率为0.001~0.1 s-1的条件下进行了中温压缩实验,构建了一种考虑温度和应变速率的修正J-C本构模型。结果表明:在所研究的条件下,当应变在0.1以下时,应力随着应变的增加而增加;当应变在0.1以上时,应力趋于平稳状态。固溶态7050铝合金的温度软化效应显著。对比真实应力-真实应变数据与经典J-C本构模型预测数据、修正J-C本构模型预测数据发现,修正J-C本构模型预测数据与真实应力-真实应变数据的误差在±5%以内,表明修正J-C本构模型具有较高的预测精度和扩展性,可准确地描述固溶态7050铝合金在中温阶段的流动应力特性。

In order to study the middle temperature deformation behavior of solid-solution 7050 aluminum alloy, the middle temperature compression experiments were conducted at the deformation temperature of 333-523 K, the strain rate of 0.001-0.1 s-1, and a modified J-C constitutive model considering temperature and strain rate was established. The results show that under the studied conditions, the stress increases with the increasing of strain when the strain is below 0.1, and tends to be stable when the strain is above 0.1. The temperature softening effect of solid-solution 7050 aluminum alloy is significant. Comparing the data of true stress-true strain with the predicted data of classical J-C constitutive model and modified J-C constitutive model, it is find that the deviation between the  data predicted by modified J-C constitutive model and the true stress-true strain data is within ±5%, indicating that the modified J-C constitutive model has high precision and expansibility. Thus, this model can accurately describe the flow stress characteristics of solid-solution 7050 aluminum alloy in the middle temperature stage.


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