英文标题:Application of artificial neural networks in metal plasticity constitutive modeling
单位:清华大学 机械工程系 
关键词:塑性本构模型 唯象模型 晶体塑性 人工神经网络 训练效率 泛化能力 


 The metal plasticity constitutive models were reviewed from macroscopic and microscopic perspectives, and the limitations of the model application were mainly focused on the acquisition of constitutive parameters and the numerical realization of mdel. Then, three widely used artificial neural networks, namely, back propagation neural networks, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks were introduced, and the applications of artificial neural networks in plastic constitutive modeling were summarized from two aspects of calibration and calculation of the model. Furthermore, physics-informed neural networks were introduced, and the training efficiency and generalization ability were effectively improved by taking constraints into the artificial neural network based on the traditional physical theories. Finally, the challenges and future development directions of the application of artificial neural networks in metal plasticity constitutive modeling were indicated. 

作者简介:张韩旭(2000-),男,博士研究生 通信作者:方刚(1971-),男,博士,教授

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