英文标题:Review on deformation behavior of sheet metal during biaxial compression
作者:石宝东1 2 石瑞1 2 赵辉1 2 刘志佳1 2 邵为义1 2 潘荣剑3 
单位:1. 燕山大学 起重机械关键技术全国重点实验室 2. 燕山大学 国家冷轧板带装备及工艺工程技术研究中心 3. 中国核动力研究设计院第一研究所 
关键词:双轴压缩 金属板材 夹具 加载路径 微观组织 本构模型 


 The metal plastic forming process is typically subjected to multi-directional loading, whereas the uniaxial experiment can only reflect the mechanical response in one direction, and it is unable to characterize the deformation behavior of metal under multi-directional loading. In order to accurately describe the metal forming process, it is necessary to extend the research on the mechanical properties of sheet from uniaxial to biaxial or even multi-axial. In the actual forming process, such as stretching, forging and extrusion, the metal usually deforms under complex biaxial compressive stress. However, the influence of biaxial compressive stress state on the plastic deformation mechanism of metal is still unclear. Therefore, the mechanical response and corresponding microstructure evolution process of magnesium and aluminium alloys under biaxial compression loads were reviewed. First of all, the fixture and loading path used in the compression process were introduced. Subsequently, the selection of HCP metal twin types and variants during biaxial deformation was analyzed. The results demonstrate that the accumulation of macroscopic stress and strain facilitates the formation of twins during compression and secondary compression, and the secondary twin is correlated with the actual yield stress value of material. Finally, the commonly used constitutive models under biaxial compression were summarized, and the prospective development trends were discussed.


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