英文标题:Effect of laser heat treatment on bending properties of ultra-high strength steel
作者:杨雨诗1 何琦1 徐晨阳2 3 韩非2 3 刘亿1 侯泽然1 闵峻英1 
单位:1.同济大学 机械与能源工程学院 2. 宝山钢铁股份有限公司中央研究院 3. 汽车用钢开发与应用技术国家重点实验室(宝钢) 
关键词:激光热处理 超高强度钢 弯曲性能 三点尖冷弯 极限冷弯角 


 According to the characteristics that laser heat treatment technology can effectively improve the formability and the bending toughness of ultra-high strength steel. Therefore, for ultra-high strength steel DP1180, the bending performance of ultra-high strength steel DP1180 plates was characterized by three-point-tip cold bending experiments, and the influence of laser heat treatment on local formability was studied. The results show that the formability of ultra-high strength steel DP1180 plates after laser heat treatment is significantly improved, and the ultimate cold bending angle is improved by about 25.7% compared with the base material. Combining microhardness distribution and microstructure observation result, the evolution law of microstructure is analyzed, and the influence mechanism of laser heat treatment on the bending performance of ultra-high strength steel DP1180  is revealed from the perspective of martensite transformation to tempered martensite. Thus, this research result provides experimental evidence and theoretical references for the engineering application of laser heat treatment technology to enhance the bending performance of ultra-high strength steel.

作者简介:杨雨诗(2000-),女,硕士研究生 通信作者:闵峻英(1986-),男,博士,教授

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