英文标题:Optimization on precision casting and forging composite forming process for aluminum alloy steering knuckle of high-end business vehicle
作者:夏巨谌1 邓磊1 张茂1 张嘉城1 王新云1 冯仪2 余俊2 夏自力2 
单位:1. 华中科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 2. 武汉新威奇科技有限公司 
关键词:铝合金转向节 挤压铸造  精密铸锻 复合成形 小飞边精锻 


 For A356 aluminum alloy steering knuckle, the material, structure and performance characteristics of the part and the shortcomings of the existing production processes were analyzed in detail. Based on the comparison and analysis of  the advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of aluminum alloy extrusion casting processes, it was proposed to perform the precision forging with small flash on the precision extrusion casting parts,and enhance the internal density of parts by plastic forming to achieve the goal of improving their mechanical properties and load-bearing capacity. Furthermore, through analyzing the mechanism of precision forging process, an optimization model for process parameters was established, and the composite process flow of extrusion casting and precision forging with small flash for steering knuckle was clarified. The trial production verification shows that this process scheme has the characteristics of a short process flow, material saving, energy conservation, high quality of part, low production cost and good economic benefits, which has been well-received by high-end customers at home and abroad.

作者简介:夏巨谌(1941-),男,学士,教授 通信作者:张茂(1989-),男,博士,副教授

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