英文标题:Single-piece quality data traceability technology on hot working process based on virtual identification
作者:曹圣泉1 孙勇2 
单位:1.宝武特种冶金有限公司 2.中国机械总院集团北京机电研究所有限公司 
关键词:锻件在热加工过程由于温度较高、变形量较大 难以应用射频识别、表面标识等传统方法进行识别 从而导致单件锻件标识号与锻件工艺过程数据、质量数据难以准确对应与追溯。针对上述问题 通过构建生产要素的编码系统 为单件锻件赋予唯一的虚拟标识 并结合生产工艺时序流程将生产链中各个环节的质量数据进行梳理与关联 构建了以虚拟标识为主键的全流程质量数据模型 形成以虚拟标识为追溯介质的单件质量数据全流程追溯技术。基于该技术构建了单件追溯系统 实现了单件锻件工艺过程和质量数据的实时跟踪和分析决策 最后 探讨了这一创新方法对降低人工误差、提高生产透明度、以及对锻造行业精益生产的推动作用。 


 Due to the higher temperature and larger deformation during the hot working process of forgings, it is difficult to use the traditional methods such as radio frequency identification(RFID) and surface identification for identification, resulting in inaccurate correspondence and traceability of the identification numbers of individual forgings with the process and quality data of forgings. Therefore, for the above problems, the unique virtual identifiers to individual forgings was assigned by constructing a coding system for production factors, and combining with the time sequence flow of the production process, the quality data of each link in the production chain were sorted and correlated. Then, a whole-process quality data model with the virtual identification as the primary key was constructed, forming the whole-process traceability technology of individual quality data with virtual identification as the traceability medium. Based on this technology, the individual traceability system was constructed, realizing real-time tracking and analyzing decision-making of the process and quality data for the individual forgings. Finally, the promotion effect was explored for reducing manual errors, improving production transparency and promoting lean production in the forging industry.


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