英文标题:Hydraulic upsetting-shaping process of aluminum alloy cabin body with deep cavity and thick wall
作者:周蕾蕾1 苏灿1 王清峰2 高慧1 周小京1 吴利明1 刘雷1 韩冰1 王胜龙1 秦中环1 初冠南2 
单位:1.北京航星机器制造有限公司  2.哈尔滨工业大学(威海) 材料科学与工程学院 
关键词:深腔厚壁舱体 充液镦压 精密校形 三维扫描 液体密封 

 针对铝合金深腔结构件校形困难、校形后型面精度差的问题,提出充液镦压校形深腔厚壁结构件的新方法。通过模拟仿真和试验验证,证明了充液镦压校形6005A-T6铝合金深腔厚壁结构件的可行性,探索关键工艺参数对校形结果的影响规律,确定最佳工艺参数。针对校形产品设计充液镦压校形模具,进行铝合金深腔厚壁结构件校形试验。结果表明:利用充液镦压校形工艺,通过控制工艺参数范围,产品的内圆弧贴模收缩,外轮廓宽度增大;校形后的产品满足技术要求且和理论模型对比,型面尺寸精度可以达到±0.3 mm内,对于壁厚达30 mm的产品背部,型面尺寸精度仍可达到±0.3 mm

 For the problems of difficult shaping and poor profile accuracy after shaping for aluminum alloy structural components with deep cavity, a new method of hydraulic upsetting-shaping for structural components with deep cavity and thick wall was proposed. Then, the feasibility of hydraulic upsetting-shaping for 6005A-T6 aluminum alloy structural component with deep cavity and thick wall was proved by simulation and experimental verification, and the influence laws of key process parameters on the shaping results were explored to determine the optimal process parameters. Furthermore, the hydraulic upsetting-shaping die was designed for shaping product, and the shaping experiment of aluminum alloy structural components with deep cavity and thick wall was conducted. The results show that by controlling the range of process parameters in the hydraulic upsetting-shaping process, the inner arc sticking die of product shrinks and the outer contour width increases. After shaping, the product can meet the technical requirements, and the dimensional accuracy of the profile can reach ±0.3 mm compared with the theoretical model. For the back of products with a wall thickness of up to 30  mm, the dimensional accuracy of the profile can still reach ±0.3 mm.


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