英文标题:Characteristics analysis on preload structure for lower beam of double-column hydraulic press
作者:栾大为1 2 3 贾鋆1 2 3 杨晋4 马学鹏1 2 3 张鸿飞1 2 3 李晶5 
单位:1.兰州兰石重工有限公司 2.甘肃省金属塑性成型装备智能控制重点实验室 3.甘肃省大型快锻液压设备技术创新中心 4.兰州交通大学 机电工程学院 5.兰州兰石能源装备工程研究院有限公司 
关键词:液压机 组合下横梁 预紧力 接合面 开缝 


 Aiming at the slit problem of joint surface for combined lower beam of large-scale rapid forging hydraulic press, the preload structure of combined lower beam was theoretically analyzed, proposed the preload idea that the pull rod is perpendicular to the joint surface of lower beam, and the advantages and disadvantages of the preload method that the pull rod is along the workbench direction were compared. Then, by analyzing the force situations of the mechanism under the normal load and reaming working conditions, a simplified mechanical model of combined lower beam was established, and the calculation methods for the preload force of combined lower beam pull rod under two working conditions was obtained. Furthermore, the preload force of lower beam pull rod and the slit of joint surface under two working conditions were analyzed by the finite element method. The calculation results show that under the two working conditions, the preload method that the combined lower beam perpendicular to the joint surface is adopted, and the structural strength and stiffness as well as the slit of joint surface meet the requirements, which verifies the rationality of the theoretical analysis on the preload force, and provides a new idea and method for the preload force structure design of combined lower beam for large-scale rapid forging hydraulic press.

作者简介:栾大为(1987-),男,学士,工程师 通信作者:贾鋆(1983-),男,学士,高级工程师

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