英文标题:Dynamic recrystallization behavior and grain size prediction on 30Cr1MoV steel for high and medium pressure rotors
作者:庞锦 何文武 赵金华 杨斌 
单位:太原科技大学 材料科学与工程学院 
关键词:30Cr1MoV钢 动态再结晶 变形温度 晶粒尺寸 微观组织 

 为了研究高中压转子用30Cr1MoV钢在热变形过程中的动态再结晶规律,在Gleeble-1500D热模拟试验机上进行了单轴压缩实验,实验选取的变形温度为9001200 ℃、应变速率为0.011 s-1、真应变为0.693。整理实验数据并绘制得到了30Cr1MoV钢的真应力-真应变曲线,采集曲线上的特征值,通过线性拟合计算得到了各项材料系数,建立了30Cr1MoV钢的本构方程和动态再结晶动力学模型。从试样的金相照片中测得了平均晶粒尺寸,建立了动态再结晶晶粒尺寸模型,并将其导入Deform-3D软件材料库中,进行单轴压缩成形模拟。模拟结果与实验结果的误差控制在8%以内,验证了动态再结晶模型的准确性,说明在后续的工艺实验中,借助该模型可以有效预测30Cr1MoV钢的动态再结晶行为。

 In order to study the dynamic recrystallization rule of 30Cr1MoV steel for high and medium pressure rotors during thermal deformation process, the uniaxial compression test was carried out by thermal simulation tester Gleeble-1500D under the deformation temperature of 900-1200 , the strain rate of 0.01-1 s-1, and the true strain of 0.693, and the test data were organized and plotted to obtain the true stress-true strain curve for 30Cr1MoV steel. Then, the characteristic values on the curve were collected, and the material coefficients were calculated by linear fitting to construct the constitutive equation and dynamic recrystallization kinetic model of 30Cr1MoV steel. Furthermore, the average grain size was measured from the metallographic photographs of specimens, and a dynamic recrystallization grain size model was established, which was imported into the material library of software Deform-3D for uniaxial compression forming simulation. The results show that the error between the simulation and test results is controlled within 8%, which verifies the accuracy of the dynamic recrystallization model and indicates that the dynamic recrystallization behavior of 30Cr1MoV steel can be effectively predicted by this model in the subsequent process tests.

作者简介:庞锦(1997-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:何文武(1977-),男,博士,教授


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