英文标题:Superplastic deformation behavior and constitutive model on Ti60 titanium alloy
作者:廖子颖1 李保永1 刘伟1 秦中环1 吴迪鹏2 武永2 
单位:1.北京航星机器制造有限公司 2.南京航空航天大学 机电学院 
关键词:Ti60钛合金 高温钛合金 超塑性 本构模型 Arrenhius方程 

 为确定Ti60钛合金的超塑变形行为,促进Ti60钛合金工程化应用,进行了Ti60钛合金在变形温度为880~960 ℃和应变速率为0.0001~0.01 s-1条件下的超塑拉伸试验。结果表明:Ti60钛合金在960 ℃、0.001 s-1条件下的伸长率达到最大值,为365%;在较低应变速率(0.0010.0001 s-1)条件下,材料呈现明显的应变硬化,在较低变形温度(880 ℃)、较高应变速率(0.01 s-1)条件下,材料出现应力软化;当变形温度一定时,随着应变速率的降低,峰值应力降低。基于Arrhenius方程构建了本构模型,并提出不区分流动应力水平直接求解Arrhenius方程的方法,引入应变变化修正Arrhenius方程。修正Arrhenius方程的理论计算值与试验值的相关系数R0.9914,平均相对误差为6.62%,计算结果与试验结果误差在可接受范围内,为采用Ti60钛合金进行复杂构件超塑成形提供数据支撑。

 To determine the superplastic deformation behavior of Ti60 titanium alloy and promote its engineering application, superplastic tensile tests were conducted on Ti60 titanium alloy at the deformation temperatures of 880-960 and the strain rates of 0.0001-0.01 s-1. The results show that the elongation of Ti60 titanium alloy reaches its maximum value in the condition of 960 and 0.001 s-1, which is 365%. At lower strain rates (0.001 and 0.0001 s-1), the material exhibits significant strain hardening, while at lower deformation temperature(880 ) and higher strain rate (0.01 s-1), the material exhibits stress softening. When the deformation temperature is constant, the peak stress decreases with the decreasing of strain rate. Based on the Arrhenius equation, a constitutive model is constructed, and a method for directly solving the Arrhenius equation without distinguishing the flow stress level is proposed. The strain change is introduced to modify the Arrhenius equation. The correlation coefficient R between the theoretical calculation value of the modified Arrhenius equation and the test value is 0.9914, with an average relative error of 6.62%. The error between the calculated and test results is within an acceptable range, which provides the data support for the use of Ti60 titanium alloy in complex component superplastic forming.

作者简介:廖子颖(1998-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:李保永(1984-),男,博士,正高级工程师

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