英文标题:Influence of residual stress on bending fatigue life for SAE9310 steel aviation gears
作者:关荣鑫1 职彦锋1 王东飞1 王晓鹏1 2 
单位:1.郑州机械研究所有限公司 2.郑州航空工业管理学院 机械工程学院 
关键词:航空齿轮 弯曲疲劳寿命 硬度梯度 残余应力 疲劳裂纹 


 To enhance the bending fatigue performance of aviation gear, introducing the residual compressive stress through strengthening measures such as carburizing heat treatment is the key process technology. Therefore, in order to reveal the influence of the gradient of gear carburizing heat treatment performance on bending fatigue, the fatigue life of SAE9310 steel aviation gears in single-tooth impulse bending fatigue test was analyzed by using the test techniques and the method of life statistics, and the influences of hardness gradient and surface residual stress on the bending fatigue life of gears after carburizing heat treatment were investigated. The results show that the bending fatigue life of gears with larger residual stress increment is significantly increased, and the near-surface hardness gradient growth rate is higher, which can easily lead to the distribution of hard points at the front end of hardness peak, resulting in non-smooth propagation of crack point. The predicted fatigue life considering the residual stress on the tooth surface is consistent with the test results, verifying that the residual compressive stress on the tooth surface is the main factor affecting the bending fatigue life, and providing important theoretical basis and practical guidance for the design and manufacture of aviation gears.

河南省科技攻关项目 (222102220110)
作者简介:关荣鑫(1984-), 男, 硕士,高级工程师 通信作者:职彦锋(1985-),男,学士,高级工程师

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