英文标题:Influence of riveting conditions on shear properties of composite material riveted parts
作者:林森1 李刚卿1 王鹏1 叶结和1 仇吉星1 倪文波2 刘亚康2 
单位:1. 中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司 2. 西南交通大学 机械工程学院 
关键词:轨道车辆 复合材料 剪切试验 失效形式 铆接间隙 湿安装 干安装 
分类号:U270.6; TH140.7


 In the actual production process, the composite material riveted parts of rail vehicles may appear different working conditions due to the influence of large component assembly or on-site construction conditions. Therefore, in order to study the influence of factors such as riveting gaps and riveting methods on the shear properties of composite material riveted parts, eleven riveting conditions were designed according to the actual situation, and the shear tests were carried out by tensile testing machine to analyze the failure forms, load-displacement curves and shear properties of specimens. The test results show that there are two forms of shear failure for the specimens, namely rivet failure itself and pull-off failure, and the rivet failure itself is the main failure form. The trend of load-displacement curves for each working condition is basically consistent, and different failure forms do not show obvious differences on the curves, the shear process can be divided into four stages. Under the same condition of riveting method, the shear properties of the specimens gradually deteriorate with the increasing of riveting gap, while under the same condition of riveting gap, the shear properties of wet installation specimens are generally better than that of dry installation specimens.

作者简介:林森(1990-),男,博士,高级工程师 通信作者:倪文波(1969-),男,博士,教授

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