英文标题:Influence of natural aging and cold storage process on properties of 2195 Al-Li alloy profile
作者:王妍琴1 王东2 冯越文1 梁立冬1 窦鹏程1 马晋峰1 谷春杰1 
单位:1.天津航天长征火箭制造有限公司 2.天津市职业大学 机电工程与自动化学院 
关键词:铝锂合金 自然时效 冷藏工艺 强度 新淬火态 

 淬火后新淬火态铝锂合金具有良好的塑性,可进行塑性成形加工。但新淬火态铝锂合金有自然时效趋势,针对此现象,通过冷藏可以延缓自然时效趋势。通过单轴拉伸试验,获得了自然时效时间、冷藏温度和时间对新淬火态铝锂合金力学性能的影响规律。结果表明:新淬火态下,随着自然时效时间的不断增加,合金的强度和硬度呈现不断增加的趋势,伸长率则不断降低,自然时效30 min后,合金的抗拉强度为340.65 MPa、伸长率为20.2%;随着冷藏温度逐渐降低、冷藏时间逐渐增加,合金的强度值出现增加趋势,而伸长率则出现下降趋势,冷藏温度为-20 ℃、冷藏时间在48 h以内,铝锂合金的抗拉强度为332.72MPa、伸长率为20.48%,塑性保持较好。

 After quenching, Al-Li alloy has good plasticity in the newly quenched state, and can be processed by plastic forming. However, the Al-Li alloy in newly quenched state has a natural aging trend, which can be delayed by cold storage. Therefore, the influence laws of natural aging time, cold storage temperatures and time on the mechanical properties of the newly quenched Al-Li alloy were obtained by uniaxial tensile test. The results show that in the newly quenched state, with the continuous increasing of natural aging time, the strength and hardness of the alloy show an increasing trend, and the elongation continuously decreases. After natural aging for 30 min, the tensile strength of the alloy is 340.65 MPa, the elongation is 20.2%. With the decreasing of cold storage temperature and the increasing of cold storage time, the strength values of the alloy show an increasing trend, while the elongation shows a decreasing trend. When the cold storage temperature is -20 and the cold storage time is within 48 hthe tensile strength of the Al-Li alloy is 332.72 MPa, the elongation is 20.48%, and the plasticity is well maintained.

作者简介:王妍琴(1987-),女,硕士,工程师 通信作者:谷春杰(1987-),男,学士,工程师 E-mail:gcj2008jie@163.com2195


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