英文标题:Microstructure heredity and corrosion resistance of 3XXX series aluminum alloy
作者:麻芳1 郭丰佳2 张倩1 孙宁2 王经涛2 
单位:1.烟台南山学院 化学工程与技术学院 2.山东南山铝业股份有限公司 国家铝合金压力加工 工程技术研究中心 
关键词:3XXX系铝合金  腐蚀  含Fe相  相转变  组织 

 采用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜及配套能谱仪对3XXX系铝合金铸锭组织、均匀化过程中含Fe相等第二相的转变,以及成品罐料样品在消毒水煮过程中的组织形貌变化等方面进行了试验研究。结果表明,在合金熔铸、均匀化以及轧制变形等不同生产工序下,3XXX系铝合金组织均会在特定的条件下发生腐蚀,且组织中含Fe相含量及形态受外界腐蚀环境的影响程度不同,尺寸较大且呈尖锐状态存在的Al6(Fe, Mn)相会在轧制变形过程中划伤基体组织,促进基体腐蚀,而相对呈断续、圆润状分布的α-Al12(Fe,Mn)3Si相的耐蚀性较好,且能够改善合金组织的加工性能。经消毒水煮后,成品罐料样品主要在铝基体缺陷破坏处出现腐蚀特征,且腐蚀程度随着基体组织破坏程度的增大而增大。

 The microstructure of 3XXX series aluminum alloy ingots, the transformation of the second phases such as Fe-containing phase during homogenization process and the morphological changes of finished material can samples during the boiling process by disinfectants were studied by means of metallographic microscope, scanning electron microscope and matching energy spectrometer. The results show that during different production processes such as alloy melting, homogenization and rolling deformation, the microstructure of 3XXX aluminum alloy can be corroded under specific conditions, and the content and morphology of Fe-containing phase in the microstructure can be affected by the external corrosion environment to varying degrees. The Al6(Fe, Mn) phase, which is larger in size and exists in a sharp state, scratches the matrix structure during the rolling deformation process, promoting the matrix corrosion. The α-Al12(Fe, Mn)3Si phase, which is relatively distributed in a discontinuous and round shape, has higher corrosion resistance and can improve the processing performance of the alloy structure. After boiling by disinfectants, the finished material samples mainly exhibit corrosion characteristics at the defect damage areas of the aluminum matrix, and the degree of corrosion increases with the increasing of the damage degree of matrix tissue.

作者简介:麻芳(1982-),女,硕士,讲师 通信作者:孙宁(1995-),女,硕士,工程师

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