英文标题:Experimental study on surface strengthening of TC4 titanium alloy rods by electromagnetic pulse
作者:王哲峰1 丁昱杰1 韩劲2  陈梦浩2 宋鹤1 卢吉辰1 赵曙光2 
单位:1. 沈阳航空航天大学 航空宇航学院 2. 中国航发北京航空材料研究院 
关键词:TC4钛合金 表面形变强化 电磁脉冲 维氏硬度 残余应力 

 为探究TC4钛合金在电磁脉冲作用下进行表面强化的相关参数,进行了实验,并利用有限元模拟、显微硬度计、光学显微镜对实验结果进行了分析。以直径为Φ10 mm的棒件在不同的电压、冲击次数以及是否使用驱动管条件下进行电磁脉冲实验,通过测量维氏硬度与残余应力以及观察微观金相来考核强化的效果。实验结果表明,使用5~7 kV电压的电磁脉冲强化钛合金可提高其维氏硬度,最大平均维氏硬度可以提升15%以上,还可促进β相细小均匀分布;套装铝管为驱动管更利于提升TC4钛合金的维氏硬度及残余应力,但驱动管在开始会吸收部分能量而影响强化效果。5 kV电压、15次冲击与6 kV电压、10次冲击能有效提升TC4钛合金的平均维氏硬度,冲击次数过多会发生加工软化的现象。

 In order to explore the relevant parameters for surface strengthening of TC4 titanium alloy under the action of electromagnetic pulse, the experiment was carried out, and the experimental results were analyzed by finite element simulation, microhardness tester and optical microscope. Electromagnetic pulse experiments were carried out on the rods with the diameter of Φ10 mm under different voltages and impact times, and whether the driving tube was used. The effect of strengthening was evaluated by measuring Vickers hardness and residual stress and observing microscopic metallography. The experimental results show that using electromagnetic pulse with the voltage of 5-7 kV to strengthen titanium alloy can improve its Vickers hardness, the maximum average Vickers hardness can be increased by more than 15%, and the fine and uniform distribution of β phase can be promoted. Taking the aluminum tube as the driving tube is more conducive to improve the Vickers hardness and residual stress of TC4 titanium alloy, but the driving tube will absorb some energy at the beginning and affect the strengthening effect. The average Vickers hardness of TC4 titanium alloy can be effectively improved by 15 times of impact under 5 kV voltage and 10 times of impact under 6 kV voltage, and the phenomenon of processing softening will occur if the impact times are too many.

作者简介:王哲峰(1970-),男,博士,副教授 通信作者:丁昱杰(1996-),男,硕士研究生


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