英文标题:Effects of multi-directional forging and aging treatment on mechanical properties and friction and wear properties for 7075 aluminum alloy at room temperature
作者:王帆1 赵小莲1 2 3 
单位:(1.广西大学 资源环境与材料学院 广西 南宁 530004 2.省部共建特色金属材料与组合结构全寿命安全国家重点实验室   广西 南宁 530004 3.有色金属及材料加工新技术教育部重点实验室 广西 南宁 530004) 
关键词:7075铝合金 多向锻造 时效 力学性能 摩擦磨损 



 Abstract: The wear resistance of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy is poor, which limites its application in multiple fields. And the current processing technology is difficult to make Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy obtain high strength and good plasticity while maintaining good wear resistance. Therefore, for 7075 aluminum alloy, the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy with excellent strength and plasticity matching was prepared by multi-directional forging and aging treatment, its microstructure was characterized, and its mechanical properties and friction and wear properties were tested. The test results show that the strength and hardness of sample increase after multi-directional forging, but the plasticity loss is serious, and the plasticity of alloy is improved to some extent after aging. After multi-directional forging, the sample shows quasi-cleavage fracture. After aging treatment, the number of dimples increases and the cleavage platform decreases. The wear resistance of sample after multi-directional forging and aging treatment increases by 47.4%. The wear mechanism of sample after multi-directional forging and aging treatment is mainly abrasive wear, and the proportion of adhesive wear is reduced.

作者简介:王帆(1998-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:赵小莲(1972-),女,博士,教授



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