英文标题:Effect of pulse current assistance on mechanical properties for Ti2AlNb alloy
作者:刘洋1 2 高志荣1 2 李宗泽1 2 卫俊鑫1 2 曹守臻3 4 韩建超1 2 3 贾燚1 2 3 
单位:(1.太原理工大学 机械工程学院 山西 太原 030024 2.太原理工大学 先进金属复合材料成形技术与装备教育部  工程研究中心 山西 太原 030024 3.海安太原理工先进制造与智能装备产业研究院 江苏 海安 226600   4.黄山学院 机电工程学院 安徽 黄山 245041) 
关键词:Ti2AlNb合金 脉冲电流 显微组织 力学性能 断口形貌 

 Ti2AlNb合金作为新一代轻质高温结构材料,在航空航天领域备受瞩目,但是也存在抗变形能力大、难加工的问题。采用脉冲电流辅助降低Ti2AlNb合金的变形抗力,探索了等效电流密度和Ti2AlNb合金板电致温度的关系,并揭示了等效电流密度的平方与电致温度的平衡温度呈线性正相关。基于此对应关系,设计了电流密度参数分别为12.52、14.53、15.65和16.44 A·mm-2的脉冲电流辅助拉伸试验,试验结果表明,脉冲电流可以有效降低试样在变形过程中的流变应力,同时电流密度越大,试样产生的软化作用越明显。Ti2AlNb合金在不牺牲伸长率的情况下,其抗拉强度最大降低了47.9%,屈服强度最大降低了25.7%。


 Ti2AlNb alloy , as a new generation of lightweight high-temperature structural materials, has attracted much attention in the aerospace field, but it also has the problems of high deformation resistance and difficult processing. Therefore, the deformation resistance of Ti2AlNb alloy was reduced by using pulse current assistance, and the relationship between equivalent current density and electric  temperature of Ti2AlNb alloy plate was explored to reveal that the square of equivalent current density was linearly positively correlated with the equilibrium temperature of electric temperature. Then, based on this correspondence, the pulse current assisted tensile tests were designed with the current density parameters of 12.52, 14.53, 15.65 and 16.44 A·mm-2, respectively. The test results show that the pulse current can effectively reduce the rheological stress of sample during the deformation process, and the greater the current density, the more obvious the softening effect of sample. The tensile strength of Ti2AlNb alloy is decreased by a maximum of 47.9%, and the yield strength is decreased by a maximum of 25.7% without sacrificing elongation.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52275362,51904205);山西省基础研究计划优秀青年培育(202203021224003);中央引导地方科技发展资金资助项目(YDZJSX2021A020,YDZX20191400002149);海安太原理工大学先进制造与智能装备产业研究院开放研发项目 (2023HA-TYUTKFYF014,HXKT2023133)
作者简介:刘洋(1998-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:贾燚(1981-),男,博士,讲师

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