英文标题:Study on temper brittleness for 30CrMnSiA steel of type II
作者:黄有华1 艾永平2 
单位:(1.江西机电职业技术学院 机械工程学院 江西 南昌 330006 2.井冈山大学 机电工程学院机械系 江西 吉安 343009) 
关键词:合金结构钢 回火脆性 冷却速率 冲击韧性 力学性能 

 为解决II型30CrMnSiA钢容易产生回火脆性,导致冲击韧性降低进而引发疲劳断裂事故的问题,对II型30CrMnSiA钢在不同温度和冷却介质下进行了淬火和回火处理,分析了II型30CrMnSiA钢回火后的力学性能和微观结构,研究了回火脆性与回火冷却速率的关系。结果表明:II型30CrMnSiA钢基质中的碳化物在晶界和晶粒内分散分布,650 ℃回火后的硬度较510 ℃回火后的硬度显著降低;510 ℃回火属于钢的脆性段,回火后产生的脆性与回火冷却速率无关,在此温度下无论是快冷还是慢冷均会产生回火脆性,应尽量避免在此温度下回火;在相同的回火温度下,快速冷却比缓慢冷却的硬度高,但冲击性能差别不大,且冲击性能主要受回火温度的影响。


 Abstract: In order to solve the problem of 30CrMnSiA steel of type II being prone to temper brittleness, which leads to a decrease in impact toughness and subsequently caused fatigue fracture accidents, the quenching and tempering treatments of 30CrMnSiA steel of type II were carried out at different temperatures and cooling media, and the mechanical properties and microstructure of 30CrMnSiA steel of type II after tempering were analyzed. Then, the relationship between tempering brittleness and tempering cooling rate of 30CrMnSiA steel of type II was studied. The results show that carbides in the matrix of 30CrMnSiA steel of type II are disperseclly distributed at grain boundaries and within grains, and the hardness after tempering at 650 ℃ is significantly reduced compared to that after tempering at 510 ℃.Tempering at 510 ℃ belongs to the brittle section of 

30CrMnSiA steel of type II. The brittleness generated after tempering is independent of the cooling rate of tempering. At this temperature, whether it is fast cooling or slow cooling, tempering brittleness occurs, and tempering at this temperature should be avoided as much as possible. At the same temperature of tempering, the hardness of rapid cooling is higher than that of slow cooling, but the difference in impact performance is not significant, and the impact performance is mainly affected by the tempering temperature.
作者简介:黄有华(1973-),男,学士,副教授 通信作者:艾永平(1977-),男,博士,教授

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