英文标题:Mechanical properties of TA15 titanium alloy at a wide range of temperatures
作者:魏世龙1 裴继斌1  2 
单位:(1.吉林铁道职业技术学院 铁道机车车辆学院 吉林 吉林 132299   2.大连理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 辽宁 大连 116023) 
关键词:TA15钛合金 高温拉伸 高温磨损 力学性能 断裂 

 为探究TA15钛合金的服役性能,系统地分析了TA15钛合金在室温至800 ℃广域温度范围内的拉伸和磨损性能,以及合金的微观组织和磨损形貌。试验结果表明:在加载速度为1 mm·min-1时,TA15钛合金的抗拉强度随温度升高而显著降低,所有测试温度下的试样均表现为韧性断裂;特别是在600 ℃以上时,TA15钛合金展现出极高的延展性和塑性;在600 ℃时,TA15钛合金不仅具有较高的抗拉强度,还具有最低的摩擦因数,这使得其成为高温服役环境下的理想材料。研究得到不同温度对TA15钛合金拉伸断口表面、磨损机制和微观结构的影响规律,为TA15钛合金的高温性能研究提供了参考。


 Abstract: In order to explore the service performance of TA15 titanium alloy, the tensile and wear properties of TA15 titanium alloy  at a wide area temperature from room temperature to 800 ℃ were systematically analyzed. Then, the microstructure and wear morphology of the alloy were analyzed. The experimental results show that the tensile strength of TA15 titanium alloy significantly decreases with the increasing of temperature at the loading speed of 1 mm·min-1 , and all test samples at all temperatures exhibit the ductile fracture. Especially above 600 ℃, TA15 titanium alloy exhibits extremely high ductility and plasticity. At 600 ℃, TA15 titanium alloy not only has high tensile strength, but also presents the lowest friction factor, making it an ideal material for high-temperature service environments. The influence laws of different temperatures on the tensile fracture surface, wear mechanisms and microstructure of TA15 titanium alloy are obtained, contributing the reference to the study of the high-temperature properties for TA15 titanium alloy.




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