英文标题:High temperature flow behavior and strain hardening constitutive equation of 304 austenitic stainless steel
作者:侯东1 2 聂京凯1 2 陈国宏3 刘晓圣1 2 田一1 2 姬军1 2 韩钰1 2 
单位:(1.国网智能电网研究院有限公司 先进输电技术全国重点实验室 北京 102209   2.国网智能电网研究院有限公司 电工新材料研究所  北京 102209 3.国网安徽省电力有限公司 安徽 合肥 230009) 
关键词:304奥氏体不锈钢 热拉伸变形 应变硬化 应变速率硬化 本构方程 

 通过等温热拉伸实验,研究了304奥氏体不锈钢在加热温度为650~1100 ℃及应变速率为0.001~0.1 s-1条件下的热变形行为及微观组织演变规律,并建立了应变硬化型本构方程。结果表明:材料微观组织主要由奥氏体组成,800 ℃以下时在变形晶界处析出大量的M23C6型碳化物相;950 ℃以上时变形材料主要发生动态再结晶,且再结晶晶粒尺寸随温度升高而增大。304奥氏体不锈钢的流动行为对变形温度和应变速率敏感,随变形温度升高或应变速率降低,真实应力呈下降趋势;此外,材料表现出较长周期的应变硬化行为。基于材料的应变速率硬化效应及应变硬化效应,考虑温度补偿建立了预测精度较高的应变硬化型本构方程,各变形条件下模型的相关系数均在95.12%以上,平均绝对误差不超过10.48%。


 Abstract: Through isothermal hot tensile experiments, the hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution laws of 304 austenitic stainless steel under the conditions of the high temperature of 650-1100 ℃ and the strain rate of 0.001-0.1 s-1, and the strain hardening constitutive equation was established. The results indicate that the microstructure of 304 austenitic stainless steel  is mainly composed of austenite, and a large amount of M23C6 carbide phases are precipitated at the deformation grain boundaries below 800 ℃. The dynamic recrystallization mainly occurs in deformed materials above 950 ℃, and the size of the recrystallized grains increases with the increasing of deformation temperature. The rheological behavior of 304 austenitic stainless steel is sensitive to deformation temperature and strain rate, and the rheological stress decreases with the increasing of deformation temperature and the decreasing of strain rate. In addition, long-period strain hardening behavior is exhibited in 304 austenitic stainless steel. Based on the strain rate hardening effect and strain hardening effect of materials, a strain hardening constitutive equation with high prediction accuracy was established considering the temperature compensation. The correlation coefficients of models under various deformation conditions are all more than 95.12%, and the average absolute errors are less than 10.48%.


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