英文标题:Wear analysis and parameter optimization on hexagonal punch based on computer simulation
作者:张爽1 焦智2 
单位:(1.廊坊技师学院 机械工程系 河北 廊坊 065000 2.北华航天工业学院 机电工程学院 河北 廊坊 065000) 
关键词:冷塑性变形 六角冲头 挤孔 磨损 TiAlN涂层 

 为了减小某汽车变速箱齿轮轴六角内孔成形冲头的磨损量,通过Deform-3D软件建立了挤孔模型并进行研究。首先,研究了加工材料20MnCr5合金钢的冷塑性变形规律以及六角冲头的硬度和磨损系数随温度的变化规律,保证了挤孔模拟试验的可靠性;其次,研究了3种不同形式的六角冲头在挤孔过程中的受力和磨损状况,确定了梯面六角冲头为最优形式;最后,以减小冲头磨损为目标,利用正交试验对冲头斜角、冲头平面直径、冲头过渡半径和挤孔速度这4个工艺参数进行了优化,并研究了TiAlN涂层对梯面六角冲头表面的减磨效果。研究结果表明,挤孔最优工艺参数为:冲头斜角为20°,冲头平面直径为Φ4.5 mm,冲头过渡半径为0.6 mm,挤孔速度为20 mm·s-1,优化后冲头寿命为优化前的1.22倍,同时表面涂覆涂层后冲头寿命为优化前的2.20倍。


 Abstract: In order to reduce the wear amount of punch for hexagonal inter hole forming in an automotive gearbox gear shaft, a hole extrusion model was established researched by software Deform-3D. Firstly, the cold plastic deformation laws for the processed material  of 20MnCr5 alloy steel and the variation laws of hardness and wear coefficient for the hexagonal punch with temperature were studied, and the reliability of the hole extrusion simulation test was ensured. Secondly, the stress and wear conditions of three different forms of hexagonal punches during the hole extrusion process were studied, and the optimal form of the trapezoidal hexagonal punch was determined. Finally, with the aim of reducing punch wear, the process parameters such as punch angle, punch plane diameter, punch transition radius and hole extrusion speed were optimized by orthogonal experiments, and the anti-wear effect of TiAlN coating on the surface of the trapezoidal hexagonal punch was also studied. The research results show that the optimal process parameters for hole extrusion are the punch angle  of 20°, the punch plane diameter of Φ4.5 mm, the punch transition radius of 0.6 mm, and the extrusion speed of 20 mm·s-1. After optimization, the life of the punch is 1.22 times that before optimization. At the same time, the life of the punch with surface coating is 2.20 times that before optimization.




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