英文标题:Optimization of roll forming process for single-layer solid spherical hinge based on orthogonal test
作者:王凯旋1 王送来1 曾先会2 沈意平1 吴启舟1 王金辉2 
单位:1. 湖南科技大学 机械设备健康维护湖南省重点实验室 2. 株洲时代瑞唯减振装备有限公司 
关键词:单层实心球铰 滚压成形 成形质量 加工压力 圆度 

 为研究单层实心球铰滚压成形工艺,建立了球铰滚压成形三维有限元模型,采用正交试验法对球铰滚压成形工艺参数进行分析,获得了影响球铰加工压力、圆度的因素的主次顺序,得到了不同滚压参数对球铰加工质量的影响规律。结果表明,球铰滚压成形过程中,影响球铰加工压力和球铰圆度的主要因素为进给量,次要因素为滚轮转速和滚压时间。球铰滚压成形过程中应选取合适的滚轮转速和进给量,在缩短滚压时间的同时,保障加工质量、提高加工效率。适宜的工艺参数为:滚轮转速为4 rad·s-1,进给量为1 mm,滚压时间为15 s。研究为单层实心球铰滚压成形的工艺参数设计和滚压成形装备研发提供了理论支持和现实意义。

 In order to study the roll forming of single-layer solid spherical hinges, its 3D finite element model was established. The process parameters of spherical hinge roll forming were analyzed by the orthogonal test method, the primary and secondary factors affecting the processing pressure and roundness of spherical hinge were obtained, and the influence laws of different roll forming parameters on the processing quality of spherical hinges were obtained. The results show that in the process of spherical hinge roll forming, the primary factor affecting the processing pressure and roundness of spherical hinge is the feeding amount, the secondary factors are the roller rotate speed and roll forming time. Thus, in order to ensure the processing quality and improve efficiency, appropriate roller rotate speed and feeding amount during spherical hinge roll forming process should be selected to shorten the roll forming time. The optimal process parameters are the roller rotate speed of 4 rad·s-1, the feeding amount of 1 mm, and the roll forming time of 15 s. This research provides theoretical support and practical significance for the design of process parameters and the development of roll forming equipment for single-layer solid spherical hinges.

作者简介:王凯旋(1999-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:王送来(1979-),男,博士,副教授



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