英文标题:Prediction on riveting strength of relay wafer and optimization of process parameters
作者:张传忠 潘泽伦 
关键词:继电器薄片 铆接 挤压成形 挤压行程 扩张度 铆接强度 

 以衔铁和动簧为铆接对象,采用DEFORM-3D有限元软件对铆接和铆接件剥离全过程进行数值仿真,建立了衔铁与动簧铆接过程和铆接件剥离过程的有限元模型,分析了挤压行程、扩张度对铆接强度的影响规律。结合铆接数值分析与试验研究进行了对比分析,给出了挤压行程与临界载荷的关系,优化了铆接工艺参数。分析结果表明:铆接件失效的形式主要有两种,铆钉根部断裂和铆钉头部与动簧脱落;当挤压行程为0.75 mm时,铆接件的临界载荷最大,当挤压行程高于0.75 mm时,铆钉根部发生变形而脱落;挤压行程为0.63~0.75 mm的铆接强度良好,挤压行程的下限值为0.63 mm;铆接件的使用寿命得到大幅提升。

 For riveting the armature and moveable spring, the detachment entire process of riveting and riveted parts were numerically simulated by finite element software DEFORM-3D, and the finite element models of the riveting process between the armature and moveable spring and the detachment process of riveted part were established. Then, the influence laws of extrusion stroke and expansion degree on riveting strength were analyzed. A comparative analysis was conducted by combining the numerical analysis and experimental research on riveting. Furthermore, the relationship between the extrusion stroke and the critical load was given, and the riveting process parameters were optimized. The analysis results show that there are two main forms of riveted part failure, such as rivet root fracture and rivet head detachment from the moveable spring. When the extrusion stroke is 0.75 mm, the critical load of the riveted parts is the highest. When the extrusion stroke is higher than 0.75 mm, the deformation occurs in the rivet root resulting in the detachment. However, the riveting strength is good when the extrusion stroke is 0.63-0.75 mm, and the lower limit of the extrusion stroke is 0.63 mm. Thus, the service life of riveted parts is significantly improved. 


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