英文标题:Influence of forging process on microstructure and mechanical properties for TC4 titanium alloy return material bars
作者:叶宁1 2 冉兴1 付绪楷1 朱明渝1 王亦欣1 任永海2 郭文文2 卢百平3 潘智平3 
单位:1.中航重机股份有限公司 2.重机宇航材料工程(贵州)有限公司 3.南昌航空大学 材料科学与工程学院 
关键词:TC4钛合金 返回料铸锭 锻造工艺 环轧成形 微观组织 力学性能 

为探究TC4钛合金返回料铸锭与棒材是否满足航空TC4钛合金使用要求,及应用于航空领域的可行性,以电子束冷床炉熔炼+真空自耗电弧炉熔炼双联熔炼工艺制备的Φ425 mm×330 mmTC4钛合金返回料铸锭为研究对象,研究了锻造工艺对其化学成分和TC4钛合金返回料棒材组织与力学性能的影响,并探究了TC4钛合金返回料棒材基于环轧成形工艺制备异形环锻件的适用性。结果表明,采用8火次(TC4钛合金相变点以上3火次和相变点以下5火次)锻造,制备出化学成分、组织和力学性能均满足GB/T 2965—2023要求的Φ210 mmTC4钛合金返回料棒材。TC4钛合金返回料异形环锻件的力学性能与正常新料锻件的力学性能相当,且满足GJB 2274A—2019要求,表明TC4钛合金返回料采用电子束冷床炉熔炼+真空自耗电弧炉熔炼双联熔炼,再经锻造后制备的异形环锻件组织性能良好,有望降低航空用TC4钛合金的成本。

In order to explore whether the TC4 titanium alloy return material ingots and bars meet the usage requirements of aviation TC4 titanium alloy and the feasibility of application in the aviation field, for Φ425 mm×330 mm TC4 titanium alloy return material ingot prepared by the dual melting process of electron beam cold hearth remelting + vacuum arc remelting, the influences of forging process on the chemical composition of TC4 titanium alloy return material ingots and the microstructure and mechanical properties of TC4 titanium alloy return material bars were studied, and the applicability of TC4 titanium alloy return material bars to prepare special-shaped ring forgings based on the ring rolling process was explored. The results show that Φ210 mm TC4 titanium alloy return material bars are prepared by using eight rounds of forging (three rounds above the phase transition point and five rounds below the phase transition point of TC4 titanium alloy),  which chemical composition, microstructure and mechanical properties meet the requirements of GB/T 2965—2023. The mechanical properties of TC4 titanium alloy return material special-shaped ring forgings are equivalent to those of normal new material forgings and meet the requirements of GJB 2274A—2019, indicating that the microstructure and properties of the special-shaped ring forgings prepared by the dual melting process of electron beam cold hearth remelting + vacuum arc remelting with TC4 titanium alloy return material are good,which is expected to reduce the cost of TC4 titanium alloy for aviation use. 


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