英文标题:Optimization on molding process for DP590 steel/glass fiber composite laminate
作者:张波1 施进科1 2 沈智2 金康1 郭平安1 王小刚1 
单位:1.中机精密成形产业技术研究院(安徽)股份有限公司 2.南昌工程学院 机械工程学院 
关键词:DP590钢 纤维复合层板 模压成形工艺 正交试验 电池包上盖 

为扩展纤维金属层板(FMLs)在汽车领域的应用,对DP590钢/玻璃纤维复合层板的模压成形工艺进行了研究。通过正交试验和单因素试验相结合的方法,对模具温度、模压压力、模压时间和预热时间等关键工艺参数进行了优化。研究结果表明:模具温度和模压压力是影响复合层板力学性能的两个主要因素,影响机制源于其对异种材料之间结合性能的影响。确定了最优的工艺参数组合为:模具温度为155 ℃、模压压力为3 MPa、模压时间为550 s以及预热时间为20 s。在最优工艺参数下生产的新能源汽车电池包上盖的平均抗拉强度与抗弯强度分别达到533与847 MPa,均满足使用要求。提出的冲压加模压复合生产工艺能够拓展纤维复合层板在汽车领域的应用场景。

To expand the application of fiber metal laminates (FMLs) in the automotive field, the molding process of DP590 steel/glass fiber composite laminates was studied. Then, the key process parameters such as mold temperature, molding pressure, molding time and preheating time were optimized by combining orthogonal experiment and single-factor experiment. The research results indicate that the mold temperature and molding pressure are the two main factors affecting the mechanical properties of the composite laminates, and their influencing mechanism stems from their impact on the bonding performance between dissimilar materials. The optimal combination of process parameters is determined as the mold temperature of 155 ℃, the molding pressure of 3 MPa, the molding time of 550 s and the preheating time of 20 s. The new energy vehicle battery pack cover produced under the optimal process parameters has an average tensile strength and bending strength of 533 and 847 MPa, respectively, both of which meet the requirements for use. The proposed stamping and molding composite production process can expand the application scenarios of fiber composite laminates in the automotive field.


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