英文标题:Influence of material strength difference effect on buffering characteristics for thin-walled metal tube
作者:王丽红1 2 郭怡培1 牛可1 2 
单位:1.郑州铁路职业技术学院 机车车辆学院 2. 河南省轨道交通智能安全工程技术研究中心 
关键词:强度差效应 薄壁金属管 缓冲特性 本构模型 压溃型 膨胀型 

为了研究材料强度差效应对应用于轨道车辆的薄壁金属管缓冲特性的影响,分别使用了Von Mises和CPB06本构模型进行薄壁金属管轴向压缩有限元仿真分析。首先,基于薄壁金属管常用材料6082-T6铝合金的轴向缺口拉伸和缺口压缩试验结果,分别对Von Mises和CPB06本构模型进行了参数标定;其次,使用显式动力学有限元计算软件LS-DYNA开展了与试验条件一致的仿真分析,验证了本构模型参数校准的准确性;最后,针对某压溃型和膨胀型薄壁金属管开展轴向压缩特性仿真研究,并对比了是否考虑材料强度差效应对两种薄壁金属管响应特征的影响。结果表明,材料的强度差效应对压溃型薄壁金属管的变形特性、载荷特征和吸能特性均有较大影响,而对膨胀型薄壁金属管的影响相对较小。

In order to investigate the influence of material strength difference effect on the buffer characteristics of thin-walled metal tubes applied to rail vehicles, the axial compression finite element simulation analysis of thin-walled metal tubes was conducted by Von Mises and CPB06 constitutive models. Firstly, based on the axial notch tension and notch compression test results of commonly used 6082-T6 aluminum alloy for thin-wall metal tubes, Von Mises and CPB06 constitutive models were calibrated for parameters. Secondly, the simulation analysis consistent with experimental conditions was conducted by using the explicit dynamic finite element calculation software LS-DYNA to verify the accuracy of parameter calibration for the constitutive model. Finally, a simulation study was conducted on the axial compression characteristics of a certain crush-type and expansion-type thin-walled metal tubes, and the influence of considering or not considering the material strength difference effect on the response characteristics for the two thin-walled metal tubes was compared. The results show that the material strength difference effect has a significant impact on the deformation characteristics, load characteristics and energy absorption characteristics of crush-type thin-walled metal tube, and the impact on the expansion-type thin-walled metal tube is relatively small.


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