英文标题:Research and development on rolling process technology of twenty-roller rolling mill for electrical steel in new energy vehicle
作者:刘松1 2 徐利璞1 2 刘云飞1 2 魏志毅1 2 黄煜1 2 计江1 2 刘江林3 柳宇4 
单位:1.中国重型机械研究院股份公司 2.金属成形技术与重型装备全国重点实验室 3. 太原理工大学 机械工程学院 4. 西安理工大学 计算机科学与工程学院 
关键词:新能源汽车 电工钢 二十辊轧机 在线监测 板形控制 

针对电工钢的材料属性和二十辊轧机的设备特性,研发了二十辊轧机在线监测工艺技术及其板厚与板形控制技术。断带预警系统、巡边测厚系统和精确准停控制系统等在线监测工艺技术为电工钢产品整体品质的提升提供了硬件基础,极大降低了边裂和断带风险,并显著提升了成材率。综合运用预控AGC、监控AGC和秒流量AGC的板厚控制技术与控制策略和核心算法更先进的板形控制技术,不仅为电工钢规模化生产提供了软件保障,而且对其板形和板厚等核心技术指标完成了有效控制。通过软硬件的协同作用,本轧制工艺技术使带材精度和同板差得到有效控制,厚度精度达±1 μm,板形精度达5 I。电工钢的成材率和生产效率得以提升,而且其磁性增强、铁损降低,满足了新能源汽车的需求。

For the material properties of electrical steel and the equipment characteristics of a twenty-roller rolling mill, an online monitoring process technology for twenty-roller rolling mill and its plate thickness and shape control technology was researched and developed. Online monitoring process technologies including breakage warning system, edge inspection and thickness measurement system, and precise stopping system provided a hardware foundation for improving the overall quality of electrical steel products, which greatly reduced the risk of edge cracking and breakage, and significantly improved the yield rate. Comprehensive application of plate thickness control technologies including pre-control AGC, monitoring AGC and second flow AGC, as well as plate shape control technologies with more advanced control strategies and core algorithms, not only provided software support for the large-scale production of electrical steel, but also effectively controlled the core technical indicators such as plate shape and thickness. Through synergistic effect of software and hardware, this rolling process technology effectively controled accuracy of strip and the same plate difference, with a thickness accuracy of ±1 μm and a plate shape accuracy of 5 I. Thus, the yield rate and production efficiency of electrical steel were improved, and its magnetic strength was enhanced and iron loss was reduced, meeting the needs of new energy vehicles.




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