英文标题:Surface defect detection method on cold rolled sheet metal based on E-YOLO
作者:陈栋1 刘欣宜2 3 4 齐振涛1 杨配轻1 申震1 
单位:1. 冀南技师学院 装备制造工程系 2.河北工程大学 机械与装备学院 3.河北省智能工业装备技术重点实验室 4.河北省冀南新区现代装备制造协同创新中心 
关键词:冷轧板材 表面缺陷检测 深度学习 YOLO 轻量化模型 

在实际的制造系统中,冷轧板材表面缺陷会导致材料强度下降造成安全风险,而传统检测方法的准确率与稳定性难以保证。因此,提出一种轻量且高效的缺陷检测模型E-YOLO(Efficient-YOLO)。针对YOLOv8模型在小目标检测、特征提取效率及模型推理速度上的不足,对其结构进行了创新优化,修改了原始模型的低效颈部连接结构,引入多分支特征融合机制,并创新性地采用了特征重提取结构来增强模型对细微缺陷特征的感知能力。最后,实验表明,相较于YOLOv8,E-YOLO的检测准确率提高了7.3%;相较于大型模型Faster RCNN,其检测速度提升约18倍,为冷轧板材表面缺陷的高效、准确检测提供了一种可行的方法。

In practical manufacturing systems, surface defects on the cold rolled sheet metal can lead to a decrease in material strength and pose a safety risk, while the accuracy and stability of traditional detection methods are difficult to guarantee. Therefore, a lightweight and efficient defect detection model E-YOLO (Efficient-YOLO) was proposed, and in response to the shortcomings of the YOLOv8 model in small target detection, feature extraction efficiency and model inference speed, the structural innovations and optimizations about YOLOv8 model  were conducted. The inefficient neck connection structure of the original model was modified, the perception ability of the model for subtle defect features was enhanced by introducing a multi-branch feature fusion mechanism and innovatively adopting a feature re-extraction structure. Finally,experiments show that compared with YOLOv8, E-YOLO improves the detection accuracy by 7.3% and increases the detection speed by approximately 18 times compared with the larger model Faster RCNN, providing a feasible way for efficient and accurate detection of surface defects on cold rolled sheet metal.


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