英文标题:Influence of overlapping forms and sheet layer numbers on mechanical properties of self-piercing riveted joints
作者:于万元1 王超2 马书坤3 贾丽刚4 罗爱辉5 
单位:1. 柳州职业技术大学 汽车工程学院 2. 湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室 3. 湖南湖大艾盛汽车技术开发有限公司 整车性能集成部 4. 上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司 整车工程 5. 宝山钢铁股份有限公司 汽车用钢研究所 
关键词:铝合金 自冲铆接 搭接形式 板材层数 成形质量 力学性能 失效模式 

以总厚度为4.5 mm的6063-T6铝合金板材为研究对象,对其不同搭接形式和板材层数对自冲铆接接头成形质量和力学性能的影响进行了研究,共制作了4种接头:3-A、3-B、2-A和2-B。结果表明:不同搭接形式和板材层数对底切值的影响较小,对剩余厚度的影响较大。搭接形式和板材层数对接头的变形模式和力学性能有显著影响,其中3-B接头在剪切试验过程中始终承受剪切力,未发生板材弯曲变形。3-B接头的峰值力和能量吸收最高,比3-A、2-A和2-B这3种接头中的最小值分别高出76.6%和386%。搭接形式和板材层数对接头的失效模式产生了明显影响,但铝板的失效模式均为剪切载荷作用下的韧性断裂。

For 6063-T6 aluminum alloy sheets with a total thickness of 4.5 mm,the influences of its different overlapping forms and sheet layer numbers on the forming quality and mechanical properties of self-piercing riveted (SPR) joints were studied, and four joints, labeled as 3-A, 3-B, 2-A and 2-B, were fabricated. The results indicate that the influences of different overlapping forms and sheet layer numbers on the undercut value are relatively small, but has a greater impact on the remaining thickness. The overlapping forms and sheet layer numbers have a significant impact on the deformation mode and mechanical properties of joints, the 3-B joint always withstands shear force during the shear test and does not undergo bending deformation of sheets, and the peak force and energy absorption of 3-B joint are the highest, 76.6% and 386% higher than the minimum values of 3-A, 2-A and 2-B joints, respectively. The overlapping forms and sheet layer numbers have a significant impact on the failure mode of joints, but the failure mode of aluminum sheet is ductile fracture under shear load.


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