英文标题:Research on fracture failure behavior for 750L large beam steel based on GISSMO failure model
作者:殷继丽 丁明凯 展英姿 金光宇 曹光明 孙鹏 
单位:山东钢铁集团日照有限公司 钢铁研究院 
关键词:750L大梁钢 断裂失效 本构模型 GISSMO断裂失效模型 应力三轴度 



The dynamic tensile experiments of 750L large beam steel were conducted to investigate its fracture failure behavior, the true stress-true strain curves were obtained by the Swift-Hockett-Sherby model and the plastic flow behavior of the material was effectively characterized by a multi-linear elastic-plastic material constitutive model. Then,the experimental analysis on the fracture failure behavior under five typical stress states was conducted, including shear, uniaxial tension, center hole, R5 notch and bulging. Furthermore, the fracture failure strain and the average stress triaxiality were obtained, and the GISSMO curve was fitted. Finally,based on the experimental data, the GISSMO fracture model was benchmarked by finite element simulation. The results show that when the tensile process of each specimen is simulated by the GISSMO fracture criterion model of 750L large beam steel based on the GISSMO fracture criterion, the error between tensile force and fracture displacement does not exceed 2.67%, and the simulation results are consistent with the experimental results, indicating that the material card can effectively predict the fracture failure process of 750L large beam steel.




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