行业标准《JB/T 14452—2023钢质楔横轧件材料消耗工艺定额编制要求》研制的必要性及技术概要
英文标题:Research necessity and technical summary on industry standard JB/T 14452—2023 compiling requirement of process rating of material consumption for steel cross wedge rolling
作者:陈琳1 2 张军改1 2 魏巍3 杜会琨1 金红3 李盼盼1 石小猛1 崔松松1 张玉红1 
单位:1.邯郸峰驰精密制造有限公司 2.河北省楔横轧及轧锻复合技术创新中心 3.中国机械总院集团北京机电研究所有限公司 
关键词:钢质楔横轧件 材料消耗工艺定额 材料消耗构成 编制方法 行业标准 

 为了促进国内楔横轧行业规范发展,提升我国在国际上的话语权,参考相关规范,结合我国楔横轧生产制造水平、技术能力、设备种类和发展现状,在理论研究和实际数据验证的基础上,制定了行业标准JB/T 14452—2023《钢质楔横轧件材料消耗工艺定额编制要求》。该标准规定了钢质楔横轧件材料消耗工艺定额的编制方法和明细表,包括楔横轧材料消耗构成、编制原则、编制材料消耗定额的基础材料和数据、材料消耗定额计算和材料消耗工艺定额明细表,并将其在楔横轧件制造使用企业进行了试点推广应用,收到了较好的应用效果反馈。

 In order to promote the standardized development of the domestic cross wedge rolling industry and enhance China′s discourse in the international arena, referring to relevant regulations, combined with cross wedge rolling production and manufacturing level in China, technical capabilities, equipment types and development status, based on theoretical research and practical data verification, the industry standard JB/T 14452—2023 "Compiling requirement of process rating of material consumption for steel cross wedge rolling" was formulated, which specified the compilation method and detailed table of material consumption process rating for steel cross wedge rolling, including the composition of cross wedge rolling material consumption, principle of compilation, basic materials and data for the compilation of material consumption rating, calculation of material consumption rating, and detailed table of material consumption process rating. And the standard was piloted among manufacturing and using enterprise of cross wedge rolling,and positive feedback on its application effectiveness was received.




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