Shape optimization used in forging process is a focus point during the recent years,many research works have been made in this aspect. In this paper, a research work aimed to optimize the shape of billet of 2-dimensional forging is proceeded. The ratio of height to diameter of the cylindrical billet is taken as the optimal design variables. The volume of the part that is exceeded out the predetermined desired line is taken as the objective function. The expression of the objective function is given in detail. As there is only one optimal design variable-the ratio of height to diameter, the golden section method is used as the optimization tool. Using this method, the shape of the billet of a typical axisymmetric H-shaped forging process is optimized. The optimal results show that optimizing the billet shape is very useful and can get a satisfied result.
中国博士后科学基金资助项目 (中博基 2 0 0 0 [2 3] )
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