GB/T 15825.1~8《Sheet metal formability and test methods》were a set of standards for sheet metals forming and their metallurgical industry,which might be divided into three parts.Based on the origin of writing these standards and requirement of technology for them,development situation of standardization for sheet metal formability and testing technique in China were summarized;the relationship of these standards with ISO and other overseas standards of sheet metal formability as well as the testing technique were showed.Finally,the reasons on revising these standards were illustrated from six points of views on the aspects of economy and technology of sheet metal formability and testing technique.
[1]AISI Committee of Sheet Steel Producers.Sheet steel form-ability[R].Washington D C:Amarican Iron and Steel In-stitute,1984.
[2]Keeler S.Automotive sheet metal formability-a state of the artreport[R].Washington D C:AISI Automotive Applica-tions Committee,1989.
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