There are many factors influencing hot die forging quality of turbine blade,such as material property,billet outline and size,die forging method and plan,die cavity structure and drop forging equipment,etc.Taking an example of a blade's hot die forging process,the ways of improving forging plan,enhancing work-piece quality and preventing die premature failure were analyzed and discussed by means of numeric simulating experiment.The experiment results and production practices proves that the number of blows is properly reduced may decrease the probability of die failure and save forging energy in the preconditions to ensure the die cavity being completely filled by billet and the high-quality work-piece being produced.Making the full of the larger fillet radii may avoid the transitional region between the root block and the work section from forging defects,such as lap and so on.Lubricating the interface of billet and die is propitious to blade forging process.High-temperature and high-stress acting reciprocally on the local region of die cavity is one of the important reasons causing the die premature failure.
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