For the problem of coil optimized cutting for rectangular piece, the high material utilization rate and the convenience of processing were taken into comprehensive consideration, the cutting plan was determined by combining the sequential value correction algorithm with the cutting layout generation algorithm. In the first stage, the coil was cut into long strips (sub-coils), and each strip contained the same rectangular pieces. Then, the sub-coils were cut into rectangular pieces in the second stage. Furthermore, the cutting layout generation algorithm determined the layout through recursion, and the values of the rectangular pieces were corrected after the generation of each layout to close to ideal value. Each layout met the requirement of some rectangular pieces, and this process was repeated untill all the rectangular pieces were satisfied. In the addition, the different cutting plans were obtained through iteration, and the plan with the maximum material utilization rate was selected as the solution. Compared with published algorithms, the proposed algorithm indicates that it can improve the material utilization rate and simplify the cutting process.
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