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Title:Microstructure and mechanical properties of large-scale cartridge forgings for alloy GH4169
Authors: Sun Jianguo1  Wang Songhui1 2  Su Chunmin1  Su Hai1  Zhong Renzhi1  Wang Wenke3  Ren Caixia1 
Unit: 1. Guizhou Anda Aviation Forging Co. Ltd.  2. Guizhou Academy of Sciences  3. School of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology 
KeyWords: alloy GH4169 forging cartridge forgings microstructures mechanical properties 

 The microstructures evolution and mechanical properties of large-scale cartridge forgings for alloy GH4169 prepared by different forging processes were systematically investigated. The results show that the grain size fluctuation range of the large-scale cartridge forgings forged by the ordinary process is relatively large, ranging from 4.5 to 7.8 level, with an average grain size of 6 level. At room temperature, Rm is 1424 MPa, ReL is 1200 MPa, A is 24.0% and Z is 36.0% of forgings. At 650 , Rm is 1120 MPa, ReL is 975 MPa, A is 21.0% and Z is 64.5% of forgings. However, the grain size fluctuation range of the large-scale cartridge forgings forged by the refined process is relatively small, ranging from 7 to 8 level, with an average grain size of 8 level. At room temperature, Rm is 1447 MPa, ReL is 1214 MPa, A is 18.5% and Z is 39.0% of forgings. At 650 , Rm is 1180 MPa, ReL is 1030 MPa, A is 32.5% and Z is 64.0% of forgings. Thus, the microstructure of the large-scale cartridge forgings forged by the refined process is more uniform and fine, with the excellent comprehensive mechanical properties, improving the material utilization rate and meeting the acceptance requirements for the microstructure and properties of large-scale cartridge forgings for alloy GH4169.

作者简介:孙建国(1992-),男,学士,工程师 E-mail:jianguo@mail.nwpu.edu.cn 通信作者:王松辉(1991-),男,博士,工程师 E-mail:wangsonghui91@126.com

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