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Title:Analysis and control of stamping quality for an automobile shock absorber bracket
Authors: Wei Ximing1 Wang Yun1 Teng Shiyi1 Yang Jin2 
Unit: 1.School of Mechanical Engineering Jiangsu University 2.Alloy Seiko Technology(Jiangsu) Co. Ltd. 
KeyWords: shock absorber bracket  stamping  QStE460TM steel  pre-flanging  response surface model 

 The automotive shock absorber bracket with the characteristics of numerous concave and convex surfaces, spatial curves, as well as high dimensional and positional accuracy was prone to cracking and large springback amount during stamping for  QStE460TM hot-rolled pickling steel. Then, based on the response surface method, taking the maximum thinning rate and maximum springback amount of stamping part as the optimization objectives, and the blank hold force, stamping speed, die one-sided clearance and friction factor as the design variables, the response surface model was determined. Furthermore, combining the second-order response surface method and Design Expert, the experiment design method of Box-Behnken was used to optimize the process parameters of stamping part for bracket by adding the pre-flanging process, and the optimal parameters that the blank hold force of 383.7 kN, the stamping speed of 385.9 mm·s-1, the die one-sided clearance of 3.36 mm and the friction factor of 0.16 were determined. The results of the trial production show that the improved process can effectively control the stamping quality of bracket and provide the basis for optimizing the forming process of complex curved parts.

作者简介:魏熹鸣(1997-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:1262081429@qq.com 通信作者:王匀(1975-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:wangyun@ujs.edu.cn

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