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Title:Dent resistance of sheet metal for automobile panel
Authors: Zhang Junping Fang Gang Zhou Jia  Zhou Zhansong  Niu Liqiang 
Unit: China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co.  Ltd. 
KeyWords: dent resistance  one-time loading  initial stiffness  unstable dent load  sheet metal 

 For three commonly used steel sheets and aluminium alloy sheets for automobile panels, according to the characteristics of actual service conditions, the dent resistances of materials were evaluated by one-time loading method. The research results indicate that the deformation of material under one-time loading condition exhibits three typical stages, such as linear elastic deformation, unstable dent and non-linearity deformation, and the thickness, material properties, pre-deformation and heat treatment all affect the dent resistance of material. It is beneficial for the initial stiffness improvement to increase the thickness, use steel sheet with higher elastic modulus and control the deformation amount, and the unstable dent load can be enhanced by increasing the thickness and selecting materials with higher yield strength and significant baking hardening properties. The influence laws of four key factors, namely, mechanical properties of material, sheet thickness, deformation degree and heat treatment state, on the dent resistance are obtained, which provides the reference for material selection and dent resistance control.

作者简介:张钧萍(1988-),男,硕士,高级工程师 E-mail:zhangjunping@caeri.com.cn

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