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Title:Influence analysis on key parameters in necking process with conical die and optimum on semi-cone angle of die based on essential deformation characteristics
Authors: Chu Liang1  Gong Xiaolong2  Wu Jingran1  Han Yanlong1  Wang Feng1  Tang Lisong1 
Unit: 1.Department of Mechanical Engineering  Hebei Petroleum University of Technology  2.Department of Thermal Engineering  Hebei Petroleum University of Technology 
KeyWords: necking deformation force  radial stress  semi-cone angle of die  friction factor  necking coefficient 

 According to the deformation characteristics of necking process with conical die, the mechanical characteristics of conical deformation zone and free bending zone were analyzed, and combined with two influence factors of material thickening and work hardening, the variation laws of radial stress and tangential stress in the necking deformation process with conical die were studied by principal stress method. Then, the specific theoretical expressions were derived, and the influences of necking coefficient, friction factor and semi-cone angle of die on the maximum radial stress and the necking deformation force were analyzed. The research shows that the maximum radial stress and the necking deformation force monotonically decrease with the increasing of necking coefficient, linearly increase with the increasing of friction factor, and exhibit a concave curve relationship with semi-cone angle of die, indicating the existence of an optimal semi-cone angle of die. On this basis, a functional relationship between friction factor and optimal semi-cone angle of die is theoretically derived, and the relationship between optimal semi-cone angle of die and friction factor is further analyzed. The mathematical expression of optimal semi-cone angle of die is established by fitting the theoretical data.

作者简介:褚亮(1979-),男,博士,讲师 E-mail:chuliangszhm@163.com 通信作者:吴静然(1976-),女,硕士,副教授 E-mail:icewujr@163.com

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