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Title:Composite deformation behavior of electrically assisted asymmetrical rolling for stainless steel/carbon steel
Authors: Xiang Boyang1 2  Ruan Jinhua1 2  Zhang Lisheng1 2  Long Ding1 2 
Unit: 1.Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Equipment and Control Technology  Ministry of Education  Wuhan University of Science and Technology 2. Precision Manufacturing Institute  Wuhan University of Science and Technology 
KeyWords: stainless steel carbon steel electrically assisted asymmetrical rolling  asymmetrical ratio  deformation behavior  shear strain 

 To improve the bonding strength of rolling composite interface for stainless steel/carbon steel, the shear deformation of stainless steel/carbon steel composite surface was enhanced by electrically assisted asymmetrical rolling process. In light of the shear deformation detail of stainless steel/carbon steel in  the electrically assisted asymmetrical rolling process, the composite process of electrically assisted asymmetrical rolling for stainless steel/carbon steel with different asymmetrical ratios was simulated by finite element method, and the temperature field, equivalent strain rate, current density distribution, surface velocity and shear strain were analyzed. The results show that the speed difference of two rolled parts is increased by electrically assisted a symmetrical rolling, and the total shear strain of composite surface, especially the stainless steel side, can be significantly increased by applying the asymmetrical ratio to adjust the speed difference in the deformation zone and introduce the rolling zone. With the decreasing of asymmetrical ratio,the deformation goes deeper into the composite surface of rolled piece, and the total shear strain is increased,which provides the theoretical guidance for the research of stainless steel/carbon steel rolling composite process and the development of new technology.

作者简介:相博洋(1998-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:xby981212@icloud.com 通信作者:阮金华(1985-),男,博士,副教授 E-mail:Ruan_Jinhua@wust.edu.cn


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