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Title:Research and experimental analysis on plate shape control system of heat shield rolling mill
Authors: Ma Yuchun 
Unit: 1. China Huaneng Group Co.  Ltd.  2. Xi′an Thermal Power Research Institute Co.  Ltd.   3.Xi′an Yitong Thermal Technical Service Co.  Ltd. 
KeyWords: rolling force  mill rolling  self-adaptire control fuzzy control  neural network 

 For the hydraulic rolling force control system of heat shield rolling mill with the characteristics of nonlinearity and time-varying, a self-adaptive controller based on fuzzy neural network model reference was designed, which combined with the advantages of fuzzy control and neural network and had advantages in solving uncertainty problems. Then, the self-adaptive controller realized the self-adaptive control of the system by adjusting the weights of series-parallel model recognizer and training the network by gradient descent method with additional momentum term. Furthermore, the simulation analysis on the controller was carried out, and the results show that the controller has strong anti-interference and signal tracking ability, which could accurately track the target setting value of rolling force. Finally, the structure of lower press roller adjustment control and detection system for heat shield rolling mill was constructed, and the controller was applied to this system for experimental verification. The results show that the measured roll bending size of thin-walled cylinder sample has a deviation of less than 0.3% compared to the design value, which has high reliability and accuracy.

作者简介:马玉春(1993-),男,硕士,工程师 E-mail:glove0908@163.com

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