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Title:Riveting force and riveting strength for aluminum alloy semi-hollow rivets
Authors: Li Zonggang1 2  Liang Tao1 2  Jiao Jianjun1 2 
Unit: 1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering  Lanzhou Jiaotong University  2. Institute of Robotics  Lanzhou Jiaotong University 
KeyWords: aluminum alloy  semi-hollow rivet  riveting force  riveting strength   theory of rotating thin shells  tensile-shear force 

 For Φ2 mm×10 mm semi-hollow rivets, the riveting force values were analyzed, and the automated riveting was achieved. Then, the geometric parameters of the riveting process and the threshold formula for the riveting force of semi-hollow rivets were derived by the theory of axisymmetric rotating thin shells and the plasticity theory, and the stress and shape changes of rivets during the riveting process were analyzed by finite element method (FEM). Furthermore, the riveting process was divided into five stages, and the riveting force simulation values for rivets with the diameters of Φ2,Φ4 and Φ6 mm were obtained. Finally, the experiments were conducted by the robotic riveting system to measure the riveting forces of rivets with different specifications, the results were compared with the simulation and theoretical calculation results. And it is found that the errors are all less than 5%. The tensile strength of the connected components were analyzed by finite element software after riveting,and the results show that the tensile-shear forces for rivets with the diameters of Φ2,Φ4 and Φ6 mm are 40, 100 and 150 N, respectively, indicating the high strength of the connected components and the good quality of riveting.

作者简介:李宗刚(1975-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:lizongg@126.com

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