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Title:Mechanical properties and crack propagation for camphor pine during compression process
Authors: Li Zhen Tao Xin Zhao Zhaocai Sun Hengyang Lei Zhao 
Unit: School of Mechanical Engineering  Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology 
KeyWords: camphor pine  defects parallel compression  ultimate load  cracks 

 In order to analyze the mechanical properties and crack propagation of camphor pine with different defects during the compression process, an ABAQUS simulation model of camphor pine was established on the basis of actual compression test. The research results show that the ultimate load of the camphor pine specimen without defects reaches 26.70 kN at 50.60 s, and the ultimate loads of the specimens with the defect size of Φ4, Φ6, Φ8 and Φ10 mm are 17.53, 15.63, 11.81 and 10.49 kN, respectively. In order to predict the crack condition and the mechanical properties of camphor pine in the compression process, a wood constitutive model was established in ABAQUS to simulate the compression process of camphor pine specimen, and the results of simulation can well reflect the crack condition of specimen, and the absolute error of ultimate load between the simulation values and the test data of the specimens with out defects does not exceed 0.2 kN, which verifies the validity of the constitutive model. By combining test and simulation, the crack propagation condition and the ultimate load of camphor pine with known defect sizes during the compression process can be well predicted, which improves the inspection efficiency of in-service wood. 

作者简介:李震(1973-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:lizhen_730106@126.com 通信作者:陶鑫(1998-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:1848932887@qq.com


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