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Title:Influence of ultrasonic welding on mechanical behaviors for 5A06 aluminum alloy self-piercing riveted joint
Authors: Zhang Haohan1  Zhu Jianxiong2 3  Zhao Lun2  Xu Fan3  Guo Zixin2  Liu Jiyuan2  Zhang Li1 
Unit: 1. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Faculty  Yunnan Open University   2. Institute of Ultrasonic Technology  Shenzhen Polytechnic University   3. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation  University of Science and Technology Liaoning 
KeyWords: ultrasonic welding  5A06 aluminum alloy  self-piercing riveting  mechanical property  element distribution  hardness characteristics of joint 

  In order to explore the influence of ultrasonic welding on the mechanical properties of self-piercing riveted joints and enhance the connection performance of 5A06 aluminum alloy sheetsthrough combining self-piercing riveting with ultrasonic welding, the mechanical behavior of joints was analyzed by tensile experiment, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and hardness testing. The experimental results indicate that the ultrasonic welding significantly improves the tensile strength and toughness of self-piercing riveted joints. In the failure modes of joints, in addition to the common pull-out failure, the phenomena such as sheet fracture and rivet fracture are observed. EDS analysis results show that the oxygen element content in the ultrasonic welded joints is low, while other elements are evenly distributed. In addition, the hardness testing results of joints reveal that the peak valley of hardness for joints is significantly decreased after ultrasonic welding, indicating that the internal dislocations promotes the plastic flow and enhances the ductility and toughness of joints. The research results demonstrate that the ultrasonic welding is an effective new method to improve the performance of self-piercing riveted joints.

作者简介:张昊晗(1982-),男,博士,副教授 E-mail:ynouzhh@163.com 通信作者:赵伦(1988-),男,博士,副研究员 E-mail: zhaolun_ultrasonic@126.com


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