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Title:A multi-roller trajectory optimization and collaborative control strategy for roll bending based on hierarchical framework
Authors: Wang Dahao1 2 Wu Yali3  Yang Bo1  Zhang Xiaodong4  Chai Zuohua1  Wang Zhen1 
Unit: 1. Xi′an Heavy Equipment & Technology Co.  Ltd. 2.State Key Laboratory of Rolling Technology and Continuous Rolling Automation  Northeastern University 3.School of Automation and Information Engineering Xi′an University of Technology 4.Liaoning Zhong-wang Group Co.  Ltd. 
KeyWords: cooperative control  trajectory optimization  hierarchical framework  roller control  Lyapunov stability theory 

 Aiming at the problems of poor multi-roller coordination and low roll bending accuracy in practical applications of roll bending machine with "3+1" roller, based on the mechanical structure of the roll bending machine and multi-agent distributed cooperative control theory, a hierarchical cooperative control framework was proposed to solve the integration problem of multi-roller optimization and cooperative control of roll bending machine. A virtual system was constructed based on a distributed optimization algorithm to generate optimal reference trajectories in the upper layer of control framework. The position tracking controller of rollers based on the backstepping method was designed in the lower layer using optimal reference trajectories, so as to realize the multi-roller distributed trajectory optimization and cooperative position tracking control in roll bending. Furthermore, during the design process of controller, the adaptive technique were incorporated to estimate the uncertain upper bounds of the roller system. Based on Lyapunov stability theory, it is proven that the tracking error of the multi-roller system can achieve the bounded stability, and the effectiveness of the control scheme is verified by numerical simulation.

cooperative control; trajectory optimization; hierarchical framework; roller control; Lyapunov stability theory
作者简介:王大号(1981-),男,硕士,高级工程师 E-mail:wang.dahao@x-het.com

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