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Title:A new pre-compensation technology of bottom dead center accuracy of press
Authors: Li Weibin1 Yu Feng2 Huang Minghui3  Wang Jidong3 Ma Juanjuan1 
Unit: 1. JDM JingDa Machine  Ningbo  Co. Ltd. 2. Hangzhou Bay Automobile College  Ningbo University of Technology 3. Haitian Plastics Machinery Co.  Ltd. 
KeyWords: press  bottom dead center  pre-compensation  overhead cylinder  precision of parts 

 The accuracy of bottom dead center for press affects the accuracy of parts directly. Therefore, to improve the accuracy of bottom dead center, a pre-stress compensation technology was proposed. Taking the 400 t high-speed precision mechanical transmission press with four-column overhead cylinder as the research object, according to the basic structure of the press and the characteristics of the four-column overhead cylinder to produce pre-stress, the upper cross beam was pressed down to achieve the pre-compensation effect. Then, based on the finite element numerical simulation, the static analysis and calculation on the press body were carried out, and the change laws of the pressure of overhead cylinder and the position of bottom dead center were obtained when the press body was unloaded and loaded at 240 t. After the experimental verification, based on the obtained research results, the application of the pre-compensation technology for bottom dead center with the pressure of overhead cylinder was carried out, namely, the simulation calculation was conducted under the spindle load of 260 t and 300 t, and the simulation results were used as the basis for adjusting the pressure  of overhead cylinder in practical production. The results show that the pre-compensation technology for bottom dead center with the pressure of overhead cylinder effectively improves the accuracy of bottom dead center, thereby enhancing the precision and quality of parts and reducing the production cost.

作者简介:李伟斌(1973-),男,学士,高级工程师 E-mail:nb-lwb@163.com 通信作者:马娟娟(1981-),女,硕士,工程师 E-mail:563436662@qq.co

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