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Title:Equivalent stress and wear of connecting rod hot forging die based on Taguchi method and grey correlation analysis
Authors: Deng Wei1  Wang Zhuo′an1  Jia Dewen1  Du Junwei1  Xu Chuanheng2 
Unit: 1.Yunnan Key Laboratory of Internal Combustion Engines Kunming University of Science and Technology 2.Chongqing Pengshi Technology Development Co.  Ltd. 
KeyWords: connecting rod  hot forging die  wear depth equivalent stress orthogonal test  grey correlation analysis 

 For H13 steel connecting rod die, based on Taguchi method and grey correlation analysis, the influence laws of five process parameters, namely, forging temperature, die preheating temperature, friction factor, die hardness and forging speed, on the wear depth and equivalent stress of die during the forging process of engine connecting rod were studied by finite element simulation. Then, twenty-five sets of orthogonal test were designed based on Taguchi design method, and the multi-objective correlation analysis was conducted based on grey correlation analysis method. The results indicate that the optimized process parameters are the forging speed of 550 mm·s-1, the forging temperature of 1200 ℃,the die preheating temperature of 225 ℃,the friction factor of 0.30 and the die hardness of 56 HRC. Compared with the initial process, the wear depth and equivalent stress under the optimal process parameter combination are improved by 28.3% and 9.1%, respectively. Finally, through the actual production verification, the conditions of main wear positions and stress concentration areas are basically in line with the actual production conditions, which verifies the feasibility of the optimization model.

作者简介:邓伟(1976-),男,学士,教授级高工,硕士生导师 E-mail:1323364897@qq.com 通信作者:贾德文(1977-),男,博士,教授,硕士生导师 E-mail:27546658@qq.com

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