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Title:Effect of HKS-G surface strengthening technology on wear resistance of Cr8 cold work die steel
Authors: Yuan Sha1 Jiang Qichen2 Hou Huimin1  Chen Hao1 Liu Xiuping1 Jiang Peng1 
Unit: 1.China Academy of Machinery Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology Co.  Ltd. 2. Beijing North Vehicle Group Corporation 
KeyWords: Cr8 cold work die steel surface strengthening  coating  hardness  wear resistance  die lifespan 

 A new surface strengthening treatment method HKS-G was studied to improve the surface wear resistance of Cr8 cold work die steel, and using multi-source and multi-arc ion plating method, N2 gas was introduced under vacuum state to form a multi-component HKS-G coating at the surface of Cr8 cold work die steel. Then, the influences of coating thickness, microstructure and properties on the surface wear resistance of the material were studied by XRD, SEM, EDS, metallographic microscope, Rockwell hardness tester, etc. According to the Archard model, the wear amount of coated and uncoated dies were simulated to calculate the die life. The results show that the surface coating thickness of HKS-G is 10.8 μm, and the coating hardness reaches 3326 HV. The coating has a good bonding with the substrate, and there is a transition layer. The hardness gradient of the coating section changes smoothly. HKS-G coating has good adhesion with the grade of HF1. The maximum wear amount of die with HKS-G coating is 2.1×10-8 mm, which is 23% less than that of uncoated die. The die life reaches 476190 times. HKS-G surface strengthening treatment can improve the wear resistance of die materials and extend the die life.

作者简介:元莎(1990-),女,博士研究生 E-mail:741916485@qq.com 通信作者:蒋鹏(1964-),男,博士,博士生导师,研究员 E-mail:jp1964@163.com


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