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Title:Effect of annealing temperature on microstructure and properties of 6016 aluminum alloy sheet
Authors: Wang Dan1 2 Song Wencheng1 2 Xu Sheng1 2 Tang Yulong1 2 Shi Dandan1 2 
Unit: 1.Hangxin Material Technology Co.  Ltd. 2. National Aluminum Alloy Pressure Processing Engineering  Technology Research Center 
KeyWords: 6016 aluminum alloy  annealing  microstructure  Vickers hardness  electrical conductivity  dislocation 

 For 6016 aluminum alloy cold-rolled sheet, the annealing treatment was conducted at 100, 200, 300, 350, 400 and 500 ℃, respectively, and the influences of annealing temperature on the hardness and electrical conductivity of 6016 aluminum alloy were studied. Then, the microstructure of sample was analyzed to obtain the optimal annealing process for 6016 aluminum alloy cold-rolled sheet. The results show that when the annealing temperatures are 100 and 200 ℃, the microstructure of material does not change and remains as the elongated fibrous cold-rolled structure formed in rolling, but the vacancies and dislocations inside the grains change, and the hardness and electrical conductivity change compared to the rolled state. When the annealing temperature is 300 ℃, the recrystallization of material begins,the subgrains are formed at the grain boundaries, the hardness continues to decrease, and the electrical conductivity value reaches the highest. When the annealing temperature is  350 ℃, the complete recrystallization of microstructure in sheet has been completed, the microstructure is a uniform recrystallized structure, and the hardness of alloy is reduced to the minimum. Thus, the results of comprehensive analysis show that the heat treatment at 350 ℃ for 2 h is an ideal annealing process.

作者简介:王丹(1985-),女,学士,工程师 E-mail:358975646@qq.com

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